ruby’s unexpected i/o vs cpu unfairness
Recently, while benchmarking a test application, I observed that if I mixed threads doing input/output (such as reading files or network/database requests) and threads doing CPU work, the I/O work would be slowed down massively. It took me a while to realize this was caused by how (and when) Ruby switches between threads.
For instance consider querying a web server (here I’m using google as an example) as fast as possible:
require 'net/http'
require 'benchmark/ips'
def perform_request
Net::HTTP.start('', open_timeout: 0.5, read_timeout: 0.5, write_timeout: 0.5) do |http|
Benchmark.ips do |x|
x.config(time: 1, warmup: 0)"request") { perform_request }
When I run this example on my current wifi, I get:
$ bundle exec ruby io-cpu-unfairness-1.rb Calculating ------------------------------------- request 16.571 (±12.1%) i/s - 17.000 in 1.039825s
I get an OK-ish 60ms per request, which means I do a little over 16 such requests in a second.
Now, what happens if I add a background thread that is crunching some data while I’m trying to reach out to google?
require 'net/http'
require 'benchmark/ips' do = 'cpu-heavy'
foo = 0
while true
foo += 1
foo = 0 if foo > 1_000_000_000_000
def perform_request
Net::HTTP.start('', open_timeout: 0.5, read_timeout: 0.5, write_timeout: 0.5) do |http|
Benchmark.ips do |x|
x.config(time: 1, warmup: 0)"request") { perform_request }
$ bundle exec ruby io-cpu-unfairness-2.rb Calculating ------------------------------------- request 1.664 (± 0.0%) i/s - 2.000 in 1.201622s
Suddenly, performance takes a big dive and we don’t even get through more than a single request per second.
What’s going on here?
Using the gvl-tracing
gem (on Ruby 3.2), we can actually visualize what’s happening.
Compare the thread timelines for both examples:

Figure 1: Timeline for fast example.

Figure 2: Timeline for slow example (with a background thread consuming CPU).
This is in fact caused by Ruby’s Global VM Lock (GVL), and the way Ruby decides when to switch between several threads. Whenever a thread is going to block waiting for some reply, and there are other threads wanting to run, Ruby will switch to them. But if a thread never blocks, then Ruby will give it around 100ms to run before forcing a switch.
This explains the difference between figures 1 and 2: In figure 1, the "network requests" thread spends most of its time waiting on network requests, and if we zoom in (figure 3, below), we see that when a reply is available, the thread immediately wakes up and issues the next network request.

Figure 3: Zooming in on the fast example.
In the figure 2, the "network requests" thread spends most of its time in the ready state — that is, it’s ready to continue working, but it must wait for the cpu-heavy thread to finish its own 100ms.
This behavior ends up being quite unfair for a thread doing I/O work. That thread may only work for a few milliseconds before blocking, but once it blocks it must wait for all other threads to have their own go, which at 100ms per thread can take a long time.
The takeaway here is, be careful when mixing input/output (such as reading files or network/database requests) and CPU work: suddenly your I/O will be slower and it may be hard to understand why. This can happen if you’re using a multi-threaded webserver, such as puma, or a multi-threaded job queue such as sidekiq.
Edit: If you know that some block of Ruby code will be CPU intensive, then as @maciejmensfeld suggested, you can use Thread#pass
to tell the Ruby scheduler to give other threads a chance before the 100ms period is up.